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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thank you to my "buddies"...

I just wanted to take a sec to say thank you to everyone who has visited this blog...and especially to those who are 'following' it !!! I don't really like that word..."following"....I wish I could change it to read "joining".....I see it, and I think of that old saying...."Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow....don't walk behind me, I may not lead....just walk beside me, and be my friend".  I like that MUCH better !!!
I am a Weight Watchers girl at heart....it's how I lost the weight the first time, and I know it will work for me again....I need the structure and the accountability !!!  Unfortunately, right now, I am not able to join WW, so I can't attend the meetings (which I sooooo loved !!), but yet I needed that sense of 'community' and accountability.  You all are giving me that, and it helps soooooo much more than you know !!!  I know there are people who believe in me (and I in you !!), and who will be 'watching' to see how I do....it makes a difference...truly it does !!!  "Any one with no accountability is destined for failure.."  I sure do wish I knew who said some of these great quotes that I carry around in my head !!! LOL
Anyways....thank you to each one of you !!! You are helping !!!! And, I'm here to help you too !!! Message me, if you need to, and we'll chat about it !!!
In the meantime....let's go get some 'acitivity' time in burn some fat !!!! ;)


  1. Gina so proud of you for getting back on track. I really need to myself. I have been eating the so called "confort foods" I'm unable to exercise right now because of this knee. I'm praying my surgery goes well and I can get back on track. I'm getting sick of my dates with Ben & Jerry. They are just not good for me. I'm such an ice cream whore :-).Love you D

  2. thank you, baby !!! I'm praying that surgery goes extra well, and you're back to 100% in no time !!! Then, you will get back on track too...I'm sure !!! Love the ice cream whore thing !! LOL...you know I'm right there with you !! I'm just trying to remember that what I do today will be the thing that affects me tomorrow....good or bad, it'll be there !!! ;)
    I'd forgotten what a crappy process this is....how SLOW it goes, how much work it takes, and how frustrating it can be !!! Am being reminded now !!! I just wanna hang in there, and look/feel better !!!
    I love you, and will buzz to check on you this week !!! xoxo
