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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Proving it to Bob, Jillian and most importantly, ME !!!! :)

Ok, so let me kick off by saying this blog is in no way shape or form connected to or endorsed by Bob Harper, Jillian Michaels, or the Biggest Loser !!  This blog is my little "adventure in life", which I plan to use to show to myself that I can do it....AGAIN !!! See....a couple of years back, I was well on my way to FINALLY reaching my goal weight.  I was down 65 lbs., of the 100 I needed to lose, and was doing ok.  Then, the most AMAZING thing happened...after 16 years of being told we'd never have children, my husband and I were in fact going to have a baby !!!  I was elated and dumb founded, but oh so grateful to God for letting me !!  I gained 70 lbs. throughout my pregnancy...sure, some was "baby"....the rest was strictly from making love to too many big macs !!  And, my butt became the proof !!!  Now that my baby is 19 mos. old, and GORGEOUS (if I must say so myself :)....I have yet to get back on track, and get the weight off.  So, while FINALLY getting to watch the first episode of Season 10 of the Biggest Loser (Yeah, I'm 5 weeks behind....such has become the pattern in so many areas of my life !! LOL)....something occurred to me.  "How many seasons, Gina ?"  That was the question.  How many seasons will go by, that I plan to sit and watch, and not be changed ?? Not be affected, not be moved ??  Where did that "Gina" go from a few years ago....and more importantly....how do I get her back ?
This much I know....sitting on my chunky butt....NOT working !!
Now, let's be honest.  How many of us have sent a message to Bob & Jillian, either on their websites, email, Facebook or whatever begging them for motivation or for them to come "kick our butt" ??? LOL  I have.  Really, I have.  But, here's the reality.  The odds of them coming to my home to deliver my 'ass kicking' are about the same as me hitting the lottery.  Not too likely to happen.  So, why am I sitting here waiting for it ??? Why am I actually expecting to hear my phone ring, and it be one of them ??  And, why am I using them NOT coming/calling as an excuse to not get going ??  One last question....WHY DO THEY NEED TO ???  Each week, they talk with the contestants...they "tweet", they facebook messages, they do public service announcements....they send motivation every day !!! Hell, they both live for it !! (I love them for that)....but, think about it....who are they doing that for ?  And, exactly WHO do I think they're talking to when they do ??.....uhhhh....ME !!!!!! And, YOU !!!!  Yeah, they are....they're talking to us, because although I'm sure they'd love to, they don't have the time to call us all !!  But, those messages, and all future ones are for us !!
Sooo, here's the plan !!  We are all going to use this blog as a sort of "movement" if you will.  A tribute to ourselves, but also to Bob & Jillian to show them just how many of us there are, that they have ALREADY motivated, and already moved !!!
One day, I may meet one or both of them....I'm not sure....but, this my friend, I am sure of....when I do....it won't be because I need them to say "You CAN do it"...no, no....it'll be because they will be able to say..."YOU DID IT" !!!!!!!!!
We can do it together !!! They moved us....and now, it's time for me to move myself !! Are ya with me ???  :)

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