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Friday, October 22, 2010


Well, they say it's good for the soul....they don't mention that it can be hard to admit you've screwed up !!!  And, I suppose in the grand scheme of things it wasn't THAT bad, however.....last night.....I had ice cream....and I LIKED IT !!!!!!!!!!! lol  It wasn't much, barely a scoop, and still within the recommended 'portion', but man was it good !!  Ya know, a lot of those 'light' ice creams just don't taste the same !!  And, a lot of them have Splenda in them now....which, I am horribly allergic to, that stuff almost killed me !  So, I've gotta avoid those, but I look at it this way....if I'm going to screw up or eat something like ice cream, I want the real stuff !!! Bring it on baby, with it's real cream, real sugar, real chocolate !!!  Then, it makes it worth it to me !!! And, if you look at the labels on some of those 'light' ones...the regular ones aren't so far off and that can make the light ones just as bad for you !  Reading labels is very important !! Yet another thing that Weight Watchers taught me...if it has next to no carbs, but enough sodium to kill a small herd of cattle, then it's still not a good choice !!
The point of today's rant........Learning to read labels becomes critical to learning what you're putting in you !!
Last night, I was fully aware !! LOL....I chose to eat that little bit of ice cream, and I'll deal with the effects for having done so, because it was my choice !!! I'll just do a little extra work out today to get rid of it !!
Which reminds me....hip still not fully cooperating, but it does seem to be getting a little better, thank you, Jesus !!! Hard to work out when the body won't cooperate !!!
Ok, back on track....going to 'try' to avoid the ice cream !!!  It's this week's goal !!! ;)
What's your goal for this week ???

As always, stay focused, celebrate everything & have an awesome day !!!

1 comment:

  1. I have come to the fact that there is no hope for me to get this 30 pounds off, now if you have a big needle and strong ribbon to sew this mouth close that I'm waiting for..Like many people who have my problem I want to stop my meds and go from that but that is not the answer..So if anyone has an answer please let me know ...
