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Thursday, October 14, 2010

A New Day !!

Good Morning all, and welcome to Day 1 of "Moving Myself Now" !!!
Today, we are going to put into practice all those things listed on "The Plan" page....I've planned out cereal for breakfast (Checking the serving size, of course !!)  A turkey sandwich for lunch, and a 3oz. piece of steak with a small baked potato and green beans for dinner.  I'll throw in a few 'snacks' of veggies and such in between.
See, in order for the "life change" to work for me, I have to be realistic !! I'm one of those people that the INSTANT any feeling of "deprivation" creeps in...I'm done !!!  Tell me I CAN have it, and I'll probably choose not to eat it....but, tell me I CAN'T have it, and I promise you, it'll be all I want !!!
And, the bottom line remains the same.....burn off more than you put in, and you're good to go !!!
I have my "tally sheet" all ready to make sure I get in all of my daily "requirements"....
We're shooting for:

8-10 glasses of water
5 servings of fruits & veggies
2 servings of milk

And, at least 30 minutes of activity !!

Keeping track of what you eat is very important for a couple of reasons !!
  1)  Hard to deny what's right there in black and white in front of you !!
  2)  Easier to keep up with triumphs & failures
  3)  If you feel something's gone "wrong"...you can look back at see what you did !!
  4)  And, when it all goes "right"....you have a tangible "certificate of accomplishment"  !!

Regardless of how each day goes....remember this......CELEBRATE EVERYTHING !!!!
    Whether you've done great OR slipped up, you have gained something !!!  If you did "good", you gained all the benefits from having done so.  And, when you mess up, you've gained the knowledge and experience of what NOT to do !!!!

Have an awesome day !!! ;)


  1. Good luck dear!!Keep on track..I've being doing my diet too,so i know how it would be.Stay strong..Never give up.Believe that u can do it!

  2. thank you sooo much !!! How is it going for you, are you doing good ???? ;)

  3. haha it just only for like 3 days.so far so good.still on track,still motivated.

  4. hahahah...that's good though !!! It's about 3 days here too !! We're going to do this !!!! I'm excited for both of us !! Please keep me posted on how you're doing !! I want to help cheer you on !!! Sending happy, healthy, skinny thoughts your way !!! ;)
