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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Pages

Ok, so in expanding this blog, I have added several new pages...all of which you are welcome to come and check out !!!
Please keep in mind, that I want and NEED to hear from you !!!!  Follow the blog....post some comments.....let me know how you're doing, and the progress you're making !!!  Please ??!!  We all need to know that we aren't alone !!! ;)

Tonight's dinner:  3 oz. ground chuck patty...1 bun...2 slices of tomato....and a handful of chips !!!  This is really an example of what NOT to do...... Why ??.....please take note:  NO real veggies to speak of, no mention of water to drink, the chips...well, nuff said there !!!  I'm telling you all this, because you need to know the good and the bad !!   And, since I got started kind of late in the day, I'm planning for tomorrow to be better !!! It will be !!!

And, just so you know....for a snack, I have chosen to forgo my usual Oreos, and have instead opted to have some oranges, and a bottle of water !!!   Each good decision, no matter how small, can lead to more and more....good decisions !!! ;)

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