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Monday, November 1, 2010

Bye Bye Halloween !!

It's no big secret with those who know me, that I really don't care for Halloween.  There's just not much about it I like at all....alright....I despise it !!! lol.....And, from a "fat girl's" perspective, it really is evil !!!!
However, I can't resist the urge to put my little one in a costume, and so we participate...somewhat !!
Now, I'll tell you that I caved....twice !!  Friday night, I had a mini peanut butter cup.  God bless my sister, Amy who tried to stop me.....she even threw out a sucker punch with "I read your blog" !!! lol.....I so love her !!!!  But, alas, it is hard to keep a chunky girl from her peanut butter cup, so yep....I ate it !! ;)  And, last night, I had 4 "kisses" (the oh, so wonderful chocolate kind !!).  Now, with that being said, I did jump on the scale, just to get a feel for what the damage was.....it was a long weekend, with several festivals....and festival foods...but I really did try to be mindful !!  So, the scale this morning, said 205.4 !!!!!  I was pretty excited !!!!  Granted, this is not an official weigh in day....that's still 3 days away, but for today, it was down, baby !!!!!  And, I... am... digging it !!!!!
Ya know....I used to be one of those people who said, "Aaah....yeah, the weight has to come off, but I'll deal with it AFTER the holidays".....then, several years back, it occurred to me....regardless of what month I start in....eventually, the holidays will come, and will have to be "contended" with !!!  Can't avoid it....they always show up !!!!
So, whether your progress is going great, and I pray it is !!! Or, it's kinda slow, like mine....don't wait !!! Go ahead and tackle the holidays.....learn how to deal with them now, and all subsequent ones will get easier.  They really do !!!!
For now, let's all give thanks that Candy Fest 2010 is over and done, and....I'm gonna hope that in a couple of days when the official 'weigh in' day comes, that this little scale still likes me !!!! ;)

Stay focused, celebrate everything, and have an awesome day !!!


  1. This year I didn't buy any candy for the kids, I bought pretzels and goldfish, I figured even though carbs aren't great for me either, having a small bag of pretzels at lunch are better than tons of candy. And good thing because I didn't get any Kids. UGGH! If that bowl was full with candy, I'd be in deep dog doo doo.

  2. hahaha !!! I hear ya !!! The pretzels & goldfish are a great idea !!! My daughter would have loved it at your house !! lol ;)
    Thanks so much for being part of my journey !!
    How are things with you ??

  3. Good, it's such an uphill battle with the PCOS business, my doctor has me charting my temp to see if I ovulate. Uggh it is so annoying. I started selling Pampered Chef so I have been super busy. I really need to get back into exercising and I think I will be okay.
