Let's talk about it in the Chat Room..... ;)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chat Room !!!!

YAAAY !!!!!  In an effort to make my blog a little more "interactive", and not quite so 'one-sided'....I have found and installed a chat room !!!!  I'm so excited !!!!!
It doesn't require a log in or anything from you, you just pick a 'nickname', so I'll know who I'm talking to, and voila !!  We're chatting away !!!  Whenever I am on the blog, I will sign into the chat, so you'll know I'm there, and we can talk !!
I'm really, really hoping that this will help build a sense of community where we can share, and I can hear more from you !!!  It is a 'private' chat room, only on the blog, but I believe it has the capabilities to do private messaging within the chat....no sure though, will check into that !!!

Oh!, and at the bottom of the page, I've put in a Question/Answer box, where you can leave questions, comments, answers for me and each other !!!  Hope to see ya on there !!!

In the meantime.....come visit me, and Let's talk about it in the Chat Room !!!!! ;)


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