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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

700 Hits !!!

Wow !!!! You guys are amazing !!! I can't believe my little blog has been viewed 700 times !!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!!!  It really has been a wonderful thing to have somewhere to not only 'vent', but hopefully encourage others !!!  I know what a long, hard process this is, and I don't want anyone to ever feel like they are doing it alone !!  Even when I reach my goal weight, and you reach yours, the battle doesn't stop !!
Each and every day requires you to be vigilant and make good choices.  This is why they call it a "lifestyle change"...it's forever, baby !!!  You'll always battle cupcakes, ho-ho's, chips, fast food, and if you're like me....genetics !!!!  One thing I know for sure.....it goes "on" a hell of a lot easier than it comes OFF !!!  Please, please, please feel free to comment on the postings....tell me how you are.....and how I can help support/encourage you !!!!
And, don't forget to sign the guestbook at the bottom of this page, so I'll know you were here, and what you think !!!
Tell me the kinds of things you want to see/read about, and we'll open it up for discussion !!! ;)

You guys are the bestest, and each of you are in my heart prayers !!!

As always,
Stay focused, celebrate everything, and have an awesome day !!! ;)

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