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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Clearly I have lost my mind....

Yep, it's official...mind is gone !! lol
I shall now tell you my newest story, and will change the names to protect the "guilty as hell" !!! LOL

A dear, dear angelic friend of mine, whom I love so very, very much.... (inserting name change) "Wiz" as I have chosen to call her...LOL....calls me one day recently and tells me that I'm doing a 5K !!! I said, "oh good for you"....she says "and you....you're doing it with me !!"....clearly she's insane as well !!! LOL
So, after a good 20 minutes of going back and forth, I cave, and tell "Wiz" that I'll be there !!! She really can be very persuasive with that wonderful "can do" attitude of hers !!! And so, there ya go....apparently, I'm doing a 5K !!! LOL....this should be good !!!!!
Now, one thing that you all should know....is that "big" girls....and (sorry guys)...I'm talking about those of us with "DDD"'s.....yeah....we don't run.....ANYWHERE !!!!  Not even to the snack bar or all you can eat buffet....there's just way too much pain involved  !!! So...me and my "stride rites" will be walking it !!!! Don't look for record times here people....unless you plan to tell me they'll be a cannoli waiting for me at the finish line !!!!
Either way....I think I'm kind of excited !!! Nervous, but excited !!! And, I want to thank my dear "Wiz" for having faith in me, even when I don't have much faith in myself for such things !!! ;)

If anyone is in the McDonough area and wants to join us, it's Saturday, April 16th, from 4pm-7pm....and I'll be bringing my own oxygen !!!! ;)

Run for the Bun
Click the pic to go to the Facebook Event page for more info !! ;)

Once again.....stay focused, celebrate everything, and pray for me !!!!! lol


  1. I just couldn't be any more proud of you! I will see you at the FINISH line!!!

  2. :) I love you....I do !!!!! ;) Be sure to wave the cannoli around so the aroma draws me to the finish line !! LOL...

  3. I think it's awesome...I really want to run one myself, but right now I'm not in the best of shape, I'm trying though. Maybe next year!

  4. Moonlight: thank you ! I'm getting ready to post all about it so you can get an idea of how it was !!! I think you can do it !! Just ready yourself....never having done something like this before, I learned a good bit !!!! Will post it all, and when you do decide to do one, let me know so that I can encourage the hell out of you and cheer you on !!! Something I learned was VERY important !!! Thank you for reading my little blog, and for hanging out with me !! ;) Be kind to you, stay focused, and celebrate everything !! xoxoxo, Mamma !! ;)
